Gu mendi honetara igoerea egiteko, Aosta barruan dauen Gressoney haranertik egin dogu gora Stafal izeneko gunera arte mendien magalean. Aosta, Italia barruan dauen bailara berezia da, autonomia berezia duen probintzi edo kantonamendu bakarra izanda. Aostako bailara guztian, hizkuntz ofizialak Italiera eta Frantzesa direz. Aostako bailara, Saboyako erregeak eukiezan gazteluez josite dau. Bi berba hauetaz aparte, saboiera bere aittu lei ingeru batzuten.
ENGLISH: Castor Peak, belongs to the Monte Rosa range, between Italy and Switzerland. We reach the summit by the south way, from Aosta valley (Italy). Aosta valley is a particular community into Italy. It's the only valley with two oficial languages in Italy: Italian and Frech. Another language appears on rural villages too: Savoyan. It's come from the French part, so close to Aosta.
On the east of Aosta, we've got Gressoney valley. From this valley we carried out the ascension to Castor peak. In the valley of Gressoney, they've got another language than the other two: "Walser". Walser, is a dialect from Deutsch (German) witch it's spoken on some rural places on the north of the valley. Unfortunately, has happens to us in the Basque Country, minority languages are despised by autority.
Saboyako Gaztelua Gressoney St.-Jean herritik paraje / Savoy castle in Gressoney St.-Jean
Aostak osotzen dauzen bailen artean, ekialdera dauena Gressoneykoa dekogu. Bertan, Frantzesa eta Italieraz aparte, Alemaniera daki bailarako iparrean bizi direzenak. Bailara hontako biztanleek "Walser" uzenagaz ezetuten dire, erro germanoa dekon hitza.
Walserren dialektoan atsiñe idatzitako testua / Plaque written in Walser (Gressoney St.-Jean)
Gressoney La Trinitè herriko eskolan, Walser-era nagusi / Drawing in Gressoney La Trinité's school
: Antza danez, erdi aroko izotzen urtutzeen ostean, Monte Rosa mendiaren ipar aurpegia bizi ebezan suitzarrek (berbaz alemana eukiezenak) muga pastu ta Gressoney finkatu ei ziran.
The hypothesis to explain how Walser is spoken in Italy is that in the middle ages, when the ices from Monte Rosa come thawn, people from north face of Monte Rosa came to the south. To this day, a few centuries later, Walser is still spoken.
Castor Gressoney St.-Jeandik /Castor Peak from Gressoney St.-Jean
ZAILTASUNA / difficulty: Piriniotako negu igoera baten moduko sailka leitike. Edurretan ibili ber da, tenperatek 0ºC-ren dabiltze ta kranponekaz ibilten jakin ber da. Ez deko ezelango zailtasun aipagarririk.
The ascension's difficulty is comparable with a winter ascension in Pyrennees. We must know how to use cranpons, piolet. The temperature on summit is going to be on summer always close to 0ºC.
DENBOREAK / Timetable: Stafal - Quintino Sella : 3h30' (F)
Quintino Sella - Castor : 2h20' (F+)
1. Eguna: Col Bettaforca - refuge Quintino Sella Aterpetxea (3h30', F)
-DESNIBELA / Gradient: 900m
-DISTANTZIA/Distance: 4.12km
-ZAILTASUNA/ Difficulty: F
-DESKRIBAPENA/ Description
IIº-ko pausuak daude, baina korda finkoekin ekipatuak dagoz. Bestela, ez dau ezelango galtzeko arriskurik. 2nd level steps, without risk because there's rope fixed along the way.
-DESNIBELA / Gradient: 900m
-DISTANTZIA/Distance: 4.12km
-ZAILTASUNA/ Difficulty: F
-DESKRIBAPENA/ Description
IIº-ko pausuak daude, baina korda finkoekin ekipatuak dagoz. Bestela, ez dau ezelango galtzeko arriskurik. 2nd level steps, without risk because there's rope fixed along the way.
Gure estiloari leial, Castor mendi apal baina polit honetara igotzea saikaera egin gendun. Aklimatazio prosezurik ez gendun eukin, asike geldiro geldiro igotzen hasi gintzen aterpera. Stafaletik urteten dan kableak, 2.700 metrotara itziten datzu col de Bettaforcan, gero ostera, beste 900 metroko desnibela in ber da Quintino Sellako aterperaino aiegateko.
Nahiz eta aterpeak ogeak dekozen, geuk kanpin dendea eroatea erabaki gendun, horrek suposatzen dauen gauzekaz: lo sakue, esterilla, kanping gasa, afaria... barriz bere motxila txarto inte eta pisu lar eroan gendun... Pasa gintzen pisuakaz!!!
ENGLISH: we carry the tent up from the village, although we knew ther was a shelter. The rucksack was soo heavy, we make a big mystake carrying a lot of unuseful things.
(0:10', F) Bettaforcatik urten eta oso bide ebidentetik iten dogu aurrera. Hanik hamar mnutura, bista ederrak dekoguz. / after leaving Bettaforca, we go gainig heigh. After 10minutes, we can see this espectacular view.
(0:10', F) Bettaforcatik urten eta oso bide ebidentetik iten dogu aurrera. Hanik hamar mnutura, bista ederrak dekoguz. / after leaving Bettaforca, we go gainig heigh. After 10minutes, we can see this espectacular view.
Aterperako bidean, atzean Lyskamm izugarriak / Going to refuge, behind Lyskamm
(2h15', F): Pausu ebidenteetik aurrera iten dogu. Haitza gero eta astunagoa iten daku, altuereak bere, protagonismoa hartu dau eta gorputzek ez daku behar ebste ondo erantzuten. There's no problem to find the way to the refuge. There's a lo of people but the altitude makes us feel bad, tired.
Jendetza aterperako bidean / overcrowed way...
(3h, F) Aterperako bidean dekogun akaberako partean, korda finkoeri eutsiz IIº-ko pausuek igarote doguz. Urrengo argazkian, aterpetik paraje, akabuko metroak. / This is the last part of the ascension to the refuge. We're so tired, but we can see the tents near to us.
Markak eta atzeko partean Castor / Marks and behind them Castor peak
Korda finkoak / Fixed rope
Korda finkoak aterperako bide turistikoan / fixer rope on tourist route
(3H15', F): Quintino Sellako atrepe ingurua. Lehertuta aiegatu gara 2 faktoreengatik: Pisu asko daroagu gure bizkarrean eta ez dogu aklimataziñorik eiñ. We arrive to Quintino Sella refuge. Behind, we've got tomorrow's objective; Castor 4.223m
Gure dendea aterpe kanpoan parata / Our tent on base camp
2. Eguna: Quintino Sella - Felikjoch 4.093m - Felikhorn 4.174m - Castor SE 4.194m - Castor 4.224m : 5h25', F+
-DESNIBELA / Gradient: 800m
-DISTANTZIA/ Distance: 7.45km
-ZAILTASUNA/ Difficulty: F+
Gabeti buruko mina eukinda, aklimatatze ezak faktura paseko ote eustan? BA BAI!! Halan da bere nahiz eta gitxi lo ein, 4:30tan esnatu, prestatu, gosaldu eta enkordatu gintzen. Glaziarreko parte itsusiena hasikerakoa da, grietak dagozan lekun. Halan da bere jakinte gero ertz apur bet zorrotza etorrela, enkordaute segitu gendun tontorretik itzuli arte. Igoera erreza, baina altuereak afektaturik, ezin gozatu, buruen aldiro burrun-burrunka.
Igoerako parte ikusgarriena Castorren ertza da duda barik. Oso ertz estetiko eta polita da, zailtasun baxukoa eta aldi berean entretenigarria. Ertzean, Castorretaz aparte, beste hiru mendi igo genduezan.
During the night I had headache because the altitude. Even so, next mornig at 4:30 we wooke up, have breakfast, and tyight each other. The most dangerous part is the first one, close to the tent, were the glacier is so broken.
The best part of the ascension it's the Castor edge, were we reach a part from Castor another three peaks.
Lehen argiak goizeko 6:30ak aldera / first shines at 6:30am aprox.
iladak ertzaren bila / people row getting closer to the edge
Mirian eta atzean lehen mendia; Felik sorbalda: 4.096m / Mirian and behind her first peak: Felikjoch 4.096m
Castorren ertza punta Felik.etik 4.167m / Castor's edge from Felik Peak 4.167m
Ertza / Edge
azken pausuak gogorrak iten datez... / final steps became so dificult for me
Castorren gailurra, atzean Monte Rosa Ingeru / Castor's summit, behaind Monte Rosa range
Ederra da ertza... / incredible edge
Beste gailurra, Felik-en sorbalda / Felikjoch
Leher einde, baie pozik / so tired, but happy
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